UX/UI Design | Case Study


collaborated with a service designer for UX & created UI for mobile app
My Role
UX Design Consultation & UI Design
Understanding the Problem
Research Analysis
Feature List
Evaluating Ideas
Information Architecture
High Fidelity Prototype
I was approached to create the UI & consult for the UX process for a project aimed at facilitating healthy lifestyles bimproving eating habits.
The issue was surrounding families eating healthier meals, and helping families stay organized and work as a team when it comes to meal prep.
Help families cook at home and eat healthier through the use of technology.
People struggle with optimizing the food they have in their fridge, to minimize waste and make healthier choices for their families.
Food waste and not knowing how to make meals without breaking the bank, can cause problems for many families. Sometimes people opt for cheaper or fast food options instead & this can be damaging to people's health.
Click a picture of the inside of your fridge, select your own ingredients & find recipes personalized to your needs.
Involves whole family, making cooking more fun!
Research showed that families who practice healthy eating at home, raise kids who are more likely to maintain healthy lifestyles as adults.
Secondary Research
Socioeconomic factors have a big impact on people's ability to make healthy choices
Cheaper, affordable food is generally less nutrient dense, more processed. Considering accessibility to food, some areas cannot grow fresh produce (i.e. Yukon, there is severe food scarcity; food deserts).
Food impacts quality of life and health.
User interviews & secondary research informed the persona.
User interviews were conducted by a peer, I reviewed all findings from 3 interviews & utilized them to inform the persona as well as future decision-making regarding the app.
Initial idea was a smart fridge, but this wasn’t inclusive as we wanted to enable more people to have access to better health choices via this tool.
Needed a more feasible & viable solution that allowed more accessibility & inclusion.
Decided to create a mobile app that would allow families to plan meals & find recipes that catered to their specific needs.
Information Architecture
Site Map
Mapped out the flow of the app, including all the necessary features.
Task Flow
Specific steps followed for a family planning a meal with the app.
Brainstormed & iterated on mid-fidelity wireframes alongside product owner/ peer.
UI Design
Created high-fidelity mockups from wireframes.
Family profile screen
Recipe results screen
The entire process was iterative.
Testing was done with wireframes and versions of high-fidelity mockups with peers, and A/B comparative testing was done to compare 2 visual variations (the one shown vs. a similar design with colour variations).
One modification was the home screen, as feedback showed the many buttons was not enticing to the user and caused confusion. Added clearer CTA's and a more modern look overall.
Flow shown with prototype screens